Privacy policy

Data collection:
Personal data is collected directly by VPGD Comunicazione or purchased by agents who supply databases and archives for profit or marketing purposes or found in public registers ( Kompass-Seat Pagine Gialle, Guida Monaci)
Purpose of Privacy Policy:
The databases are created for the purpose of commercial information and communication and for dispatching advertising material.
The Databases:
Following the stipulation of an E-mail marketing contract, VPGD Comunicazione will- according to the specifics defined by the client- extract from its database/databases the necessary data required to make up a database for the specific client. The contract presupposes co-ownership of the treatment of data between VPGD Comunicazione and the client.
Disclosure: art. 13 of the Codice Privacy (d.lgs. 196/2003)
The disclosure represents the main compliance in defence of the entity concerned. Its aim is to
-Make known the purposes and procedures of the service carried out;
-Guarantee commitment to provision of data;
-Describe the categories of subjects to whom the data is communicated or the sector of their diffusion;
-Guarantee the exercising of those rights, which the privacy laws recognize in reference to sensitive data.
The disclosure includes the subject who is entitled to the use of sensitive data: in our specific case, VPGD Comunicazione and the client are in co-ownership and together determine the purpose and procedures of data use for delivery of commercial communications.
Consent to the use of personal data – art. 23 and 24 Codice Privacy
The Privacy legislation forsees the obligation of prior consent by the interested party for treatment  of the personal data.
The consent must be expressed:

  • Freely;
  • Specifically;
  • In written form.

The consent is considered valid if preceded by the disclosure.
No obligation of consenti s required in case of:
– Data originating from publicly available registers, lists, records or documents ;
– Data regarding implementation of financial activity

Consent for E-mail delivery
Art. 130 of the new Codice sulla Privacy (d. lgs. 196/2003), states that obligation of prior consent by the interested party is required for delivery of commercial messages or communication through the use of E-mail (for activity addressed to the final consumer – B2C – and for that addressed to enterprises – B2B).
Our privacy policy
Data collection takes place:
– when directly inserting information in our online forms;
– when signing up to our newsletters and mailing lists;
– through third parties by acquisition of information from lists and databases (Kompass- Seat pagine Gialle, Guida Monaci).
The disclosures are supplied:
– in the footnote of our online forms;
– upon signing up for our newsletters or mailing list;
– upon delivery of a first Email message for data collected through third parties, after which consent or opposition to receiving commercial communications could be given (with consequent removal of treated data in the case of opposition ).
To those concerned VPGD Comunicazione requests consent for:

  • Data treatment (where requested);
  • Use of E-mail for marketing purposes.

VPGD Comunicazione guarantees to have obtained:
– Consent for acquired data through online forms;
– Consent for acquired data through newsletters or mailing lists;
– Adequate warranties from our data providers.
The users who no longer wish to receive promotional messages from VPGD Comunicazione and its clients can exercize the right to opposition of data treatment and reception of promotional emails by requesting cancellation of  information by writing to
At any time  the person concerned can request, in accordance with art. 7 of the Codice Privacy:

  • Origin of one’s data;
  • Information on purpose and procedures of treatment;
  • Removal of personal data from VPGD Comunicazione client list;
  • Removal of personal data from VPGD Comunicazione database.

